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Pro Leopard

Innova Disc

På lager: 8
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The Leopard is the classic straight flying Innova fairway driver. This disc is very popular in starter sets thanks to the reliable flight path and limited fade. It’s not the fastest flying disc but new players will likely see more distance with the Leopard than just about any other disc. While the Leopard is great for beginners, it can be found bags of more advanced players as well. With moderate throws this disc is perfect for weaving between narrow lines of trees. It also makes a good turnover driver that slices to the right, and a good roller disc.

Innova Disc

Innova Disc Golf ble grunnlagt i 1983 da discgolf ble stadig mer populært. Det var i det året at Dave Dunipace, en av grunnleggerne, laget den første discen som var ment spesielt for discgolf. Innova produserer nå mer enn 60 forskjellige typer discer + alt annet man skulle trenge for både kasting, banebygging m.m..

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