The Axiom Crave is a slow, 6.5 speed, fairway driver that slots perfectly between your mids and traditional fairways. This mold gets plenty of glide and goes really far for a disc of its speed. With a touch of turn and a slow fade back this disc is perfect for dead straight shots. Describe by some as a beat in fairway out of the box, these discs can be crushed on full power or powered down and still keep a great line. It generally holds any line you put it on and is perfect for carving wooded fairways and open shots alike.

Axiom Discs ble lansert i 2014 som en del av MVP Disc Sport. De har sine egne unike discer, basert på MVP’s signature GYRO™ Overmold Technology. Axiom og MVP har to av de samme plastikktypene, Proton og Neutron, men fargene er forskjellig. Med Axiom får man flere kombinasjoner av farger, noe som gjør dem spesielt fine og ikke minst lettere å finne i alt slags vær.